That's a lot to take in, but let me explain! First and foremost, it was Jeff's 26th birthday! He is now in his late twenties. :) That is a joke--one of the first things he said on his birthday was "I'm still in my mid-twenties"--so I give him a hard time. He even drew me a graph to prove it. He wrote out three quartiles...{21,22,23} is early twenties, {24,25,26} is mid-twenties, and {27,28,29} is late twenties. Ha ha it's really funny because he's obviously concerned about it.
He {I think} had a great day. Started out slow because I had a BIG surprise waiting for him. We took Boston to my mom's for her to babysit--then we drove to Coeur d'Alene. I had already gone out there that day to set everything up. I got him a night at the resort {right on the lake} and tee time for the next day. I didn't realize how cool it was to golf on that course, but I guess it is because of the floating green. He was SO excited. So we had dinner at the Dockside, which was also right on the lake--then a nice relaxing night {watching Friday Night Lights :)}. I also had some gifts waiting in the room. The best part?? He had NO clue I planned this!
Our view while eating dinner--beautiful right??
This was in our room at sunset--it was sooo pretty.
Happy Birthday hun!!
Boston is also growing up!! We got him a booster seat so he can eat at the dinner table with us. He seriously LOVES it. He feeds himself now--which is also so cute!
It takes some serious concentration to get that food on the fork...ha ha :)
AND we've officiallyc lived here for ONE year!! I can't believe it. We've come SO far from when we left Provo a year ago. We have one year of school down--one to go!

And now...
{I don't have a ton of pics with Jeff in them because he's always gone!!!}