Sunday, September 26, 2010

blondes have WAY more fun

So per request, I have posted pictures of me as a blonde. I really do like it, but I'm going blonder (?? not 100% sure if that is even a word). I want to go really really blonde and I'm going to, but need to give some rest to my hair. Anyway! along with hair-coloring, we went to watch my younger sister cheer at a football game! Brought back sooo many memories. It's a big rivalry game so it was really cool going back to watch the game (really to watch the cheerleaders tho :).
Yes that is Boston facing forward!! We could no longer buckle him in his other one, he was too dang long! So he was within the weight and height capacity, so we got him a new carseat. It's probably the cutest thing to look back and see him looking from side to side because he can see things in a different perspective now!
 Enjoying the game...and the creep in the right corner is my dad :)
Boston & grandma Jane

Jeff was able to snap a picture of Boston going wild with the pom pom.
Ready to perform! Ali is the bottom left.
I had to add this too. Yesterday we went out to Deer park to cut wood for our fireplaces this winter, and Boston found the piano and thoroughly enjoyed it.


  1. I am insanely jealous of 1. Boston's forward facing car seat. I cannot WAIT for that day to come for us. And 2. Your lovely blond hair! I had this bug I had to get out of my system... I dyed mine red. But it will be blond again before long. I love yours!

  2. Boston is the cutest little guy! And I love your blonde hair, it looks great!

  3. Who are these other annoying people with Boston. haha I love him!
